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You are viewing Cheat Codes for Space Rangers 2 : Rise of the Dominators System : PC - Windows Date Added : 2006-03-08 05:09:04 Views : 15580 Cheat mode All of these cheats are activated by holding down Shift+Ctrl, then typing the code. Some codes need to be entered in a specific area or part of the game. NB. Each of these cheats has a cost in cheat points, which are replenished at the rate of 1/day. If you try to activate a cheat you do not have the points for, you will be informed of your current number of cheat points. [on a plant] random base forms in the current system, max 3 - 30 points: Type code "rndbase" [in space] reduces weight/size of equipped standard items by half - 300 points: Type code "packing" [in ranger station] gain 1000 ranger points - 150 points: Type code "rangerpoints" [in military base] get next military rank - 90 points: Type code "nextrank" [in hyperspace] destroys all enemies unless Keller is present - 30 points: Type code "boom" fly into sun, full repair of items - 40 points: Type code "repair" [as above] 100,000 credits - 300 points: Type code "hugemoney" [at any planet's equipment screen] 10,000 credits - ? points: Type code "bigmoney" Not enough codes for you? Search for more cheats at cheat codes club. Or simply Click here to find more Space Rangers 2 : Rise of the Dominators cheat codes.
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